Thursday, October 25, 2007

Funny Bunny

The newest addition to our household, Snowcone Jedi.

Call me crazy, but Bubblegum has thanked me three times a day since we got the little bunny. He was aching for a pet. This is the coolest rabbit I have ever seen. And that's saying something since we had a bazillion rabbits when I was young. We started off with two and mated them on purpose. But then we found out very quickly that bunnies can "do it" through the cage! At one point we had 20 some odd bunnies running around the house!
As babies they were always nice. But it seems like at a certain age the wildness in rabbits takes over and they just get nasty, aloof or scared out of their minds.
This bunny loves to play with people! Except for Poni who pulls his hair out! Ouch, sorry funny bunny! Isn't he the cutest little thing you've ever seen!

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