Saturday, August 4, 2007

There should always be ice cream

So, even though the In-laws don't like me, they love their grand kids!
I suppose I have that to be thankful for, but I MADE those cute little ankle-biters! Do I get no credit for their cuteness and their intuitiveness? For their wit, their biting back talk and smarty-pants remarks? They get all that from me anyway...
Jellibean is as smart as a whip and as heartfelt as they come. She is me in every way and that make me like myself more and more every day!
There is a little fair coming in a few weeks, in a little town called Mt. Dora. The I-L's want to take the kids. Yeah, what fun! Jellibean is excited!
"Will there be ice-cream?" She asks. "And a playground?"
Ahhhh...the staples of childhood!
"Yes and Yes!" Grandma confirms.
A while later Jellibean needs reassurance.
"They have ice cream?" she checks. "At Dora mountain."
This put us in a fit of giggles since we all know my little Jellibean has a passion for Dora and her never ending climbs up talking mountains and over crocodile infested waters!
But what's really neat is that there really is a Dora mountain and a Dora Lake.
I'd take a trip there any day! But do they have ice cream?

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