Friday, August 24, 2007

Hat is to Head as Glove is to....

Remember these from our test taking days?
Verbal analogies...I always loved them cause I always got them right. My brother hated them.

My 3 year old made one today. Damn! Jellibean is smart.

She was having cereal for breakfast. I guess she was getting full since she declared "I'm not eating the cereal anymore, I'm tired of it!"

"That's fine, but can you at least drink the milk?"

"Oh yes..." followed by sluuurrrrrrrrppp...I guess that's what I get for buying them straw bowls.

Then Jellibean says she doesn't want the milk anymore either.
"Hmmm, maybe you don't like that cereal anymore?"

"I like it..." she answers. "I just don't want it."

Well...alrighty then.

Later on we are brushing her hair for school.
She has bangs.
Not on purpose, mind you. I want to kick myself in the head for not blogging about THAT fiasco. Long story short, her brother cut them for her! And we are still waiting for them to grow out.
Jellibean always reminds me that she wants them brushed to the side. I tried to tell her they look cute and even pointed out other girls who have bangs on purpose. But, nothing doing. She says, "I like them mommy, but I don't want them."
So, I am brushing her hair this morning and she reminds me to brush her bangs back. I know, I know...sheesh. Then she says...

"BANGS are like FOOD!"

In other words, she likes bang and she like food...but she just doesn't want either!

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