Friday, June 29, 2007

Bla Bla Bla Bla...

Baby Poni and her new Blabla doll.

This adorable doll is the softest, squishiest doll I have ever squished! And once it starts to drip with baby slobber I can toss it in the wash without harm!
Yea for Blabla!

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

My wish? Peace on earth...

Ok - how about just in my house?
I love my kids...I really do. That's what I keep telling myself this morning.
I'm operating on about 4 hours of sleep, for the 3 day in a row.
Between the cough Baby Poni has AGAIN, and Jellibean's bad dreams about bugs chasing her, I can't catch a wink for more than an hour at a time.

I have this little girl
Who has little curls
All over her forehead.
And when she is good,
She is very, very good!
But when she is bad...she is HORRID!

Monday, June 25, 2007

He said she said...

She said:

"Mommy? What are those?"


"What?" a bit horrified.

"I'm cutting my fingernails."

"Oh yeah...sometimes I eat these!"


He said:

"Did Juli pee on your bed?"

"I don't think so...did she?"

"Yeah but on the other side."

"Oh, that's ok then! That means she pee-peed on dad's side!"

"No, on YOUR bed!"

"Yea, you're right. It is my bed."

"When is dad going to get his own bed?"

Friday, June 22, 2007

Phat Bebe = Broken Pod

At just 6 months of age and nearing the 25 pound mark, my Baby Poni is not a girl to be taken lightly! At birth she was a mommy ripping 8 lbs 3 oz, born with all the chub I thought a baby only got after he or she became a lactation expert! Round rosy cheeks, a Buddha belly and a proper double chin. From then on she never stopped growing! Some mornings I would wake up and it would be plain to see that she had grown during the night!

This picture astounds me! Jellibean is completely swamped by her Baby sister!
Clearly she loves to eat! And she also has to be right in the middle of all the action. That's why her Bebe Pod has become such an addiction for me.

She can be wherever I am at all times!
That's why today doesn't look like it will be a good day...yesterday her thunder thighs

literally ripped her Bebe Pod open as I lifted her out of it!

After the fact, I did my research. This has happened to other parents! And the Pod only comes with a 1 month warranty. So what do I do now...Baby Poni wants to know!

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Blood? It's not funny...

This little guy bumped his baby brother on the lip with his head.
As you will notice the baby is not even phased and the mom is on task to staunch the flow of blood. But big brother is worried.
And dad is not taking it seriously!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Need a good humping?

Meet Humphrey the humping dog.

Yes, I find this insanely hilarious.
And the selling points this company makes just drive the laughter home!
Next time you're at a party, you'd better watch out...Humphrey might just make your leg the object of his affection.
Just strap this Chihuahua to anything, press his ear, then watch him go! (no one should be surprised they chose a chihuahua to represent our little humping friend)
He slowly builds up speed, eventually letting out a sigh of relief. (Can you even believe what you just read? Me either...)
Requires 4 "AA" batteries; adults only. (and I love how they decided to include the "adults only" right after how many batteries this thing needs)

It's dinnertime!

Organic Peas anyone?
Well ok then, how about some succulent butternut squash? You will have to ignore the ice cube shape and the frozen center, it is still delicious! Just ask Baby Poni.

This will be the third child I have made our own baby food for and thanks to my Vita-Mix 5000 this go round was 5000 times easier! Cooked veggies, a little water and some ice cube trays is all you need to achieve this wonderfully healthy dinner!

Freeze in a Ziploc and take only what you need out for the day.

DH and I calculated the cost last night. One cube is 3/4 of a small jar of baby food. The local grocery store sells organic Earth's Best baby food 3 for $1.00. So you would get 9 jars for the price of one butternut squash. The one squash I squashed into baby food made approximately the equivalent of 24 jars of baby food!


Friday, June 15, 2007


I love the sing-song way moms teach their young to share with one another.
Be it toys, snacks, a place to sit

Bubblegum and Jellibean had a super blast at the water park today! It was hot and the water was cold, such a great compilation for the summer time blues!
After 15 minutes or so Jellibean came into the shade for some water. She had goosebumps and was hugging herself.
"I'm cold."
My parenting style is to get my kids to think for themsleves.
"Where could you go to get warm?"
My brilliant thinker.
"In the sunshine!"
Within 30 seconds she was warm. She noticed Bubblegum and his buddy headed her way.
They looked cold too.
"The boys can sit with you and get warm."
Jellibean looks at me incredulously! Then pouts.
"They cannot sit here," she whines. "They will take all my sunshine!"


Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Even Baby Pandas Have to Sneeze...

If you thought this was funny, I'm still drying the tears from my eyes. Visit me every Thursday for the "Laugh of the Week."

Monday, June 11, 2007


Babies are a lot of work. Even when they aren't even born...I haven't had a real night's sleep since March of 2006.
Back then I couldn't have caffeine and today I shouldn't, but sometimes it's how I get through the day without screaming or falling asleep at the wheel! Oh, how many times I wish I had an autopilot button. No thinking, no looking, just going and doing. Sounds very inhuman, but with the amount of sleep I get these days, I'm already there!
But today I found my button. It's a secret...don't tell. I send it out into the blogging void.
Whenever you feel like you cannot take another step...
Whenever you feel like you cannot fake another smile...
Whenever you need to remember what you exist for...
click my autopilot button!
And turn the volume UP!

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Imaginary...but oh so real!

It seems 3 is the age of grand imagination!
Jellibean has found herself a friend. Someone who goes with her everywhere, who has multiple personalities (who doesn't?) and who ALWAYS gets into trouble. Jellibean tries to tell her not to be so naughty and even puts her in time out. On occasion there is a spanking or two.
Her name is Chloe.
This also happens to be the name of our beloved little cousin, who we visit so infrequently that my kids count down the days to family get-togethers.
I guess Jellibean took matters into her own hands and has invited Chloe to be with us indefinitely...
It works out for her though since anytime someone is bad, it's always Chloe's fault!
"Did you make this mess?"
"No! Chloe did!"
"Have you seen my watch?"
"Chloe was wearing it."
"Did you open I know Chloe didn't do it because you left her outside!" (this was after Chloe was banished from the house for disobeying)
" WAS Chloe...there is more than one Chloe, mom!"

Friday, June 8, 2007

Back to the blog

Up until 8 months ago I was a very loyal blogger. Not wanting to miss even a day, I spilled my life out onto the computer screen.
Some days it was good and some bad, but I wrote it anyway.
Some days I was ridiculed for what I wrote, but mostly I was supported and encouraged.
I craved comments like a desert wanderer searches for water! Like a hungry babe grasps at the teat of his mother, or any woman with breasts! Like...alright you get it.

Now I realize, how could I have ever left? Yes my life is crazy, but blogs become a diary of stories, funny moments and intimate details into my life as a wife and mother. Something I can look back on and read to my kids as they grow.

And so I am back to the blog - back to the writing and picture posting and comment craving!

And I have brought the whole Famn Damily!

My eldest, henceforth known as "Bubblegum"

My dear daughter, henceforth known as Jellibean

And my pretty baby, henceforth known baby Poni

And let's not forget the man who happily takes credit for all the madness! Dear Hubby