Monday, December 10, 2007

Little Birthday Boy

Today is the day I had Bubblegum - only 6 years ago!
It really feels like yesterday. I have such vivid memories...In March of 2001 I announced my pregnancy. Actually, it was my mom who announced it to me.
I had been telling her how sick I felt and how my legs were cramping. I was sure it was all sympathy pain. My mother had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer stage 3. She had already had 1 surgery to balloon open a vein in her leg and insert a shunt in her chest. She had begun chemotherapy and just generally felt like hell. I liked to think that I was close enough to her to wake up in the middle of the night with pains in my legs and assume she was having pain at that same moment. It kept me praying for her, but it didn't dawn on me that I might be pregnant. I was 19!
I can remember peeing on a stick for the first time...which one do I buy? How do you do this without splashing everywhere? Are there really 2 lines or does the double line count as one? Maybe I should do another one just in case...
Anyway, when I started feeling even more sick I thought for sure something was wrong with the baby. How could anyone be this sick just because they were pregnant?
Then we had a sonogram! Bubblegum was a verrrrry active little fetus! But we finally caught a shot of his baby butt and little boy parts when he mooned the camera!
A BOY!!!
I knew it would be. I didn't even consider the fact that it could have been a girl. Neither did my mom. And she immediately started buying stuff for him!
On the morning of September 11th I sat down to watch my favorite morning talk show, and watched in horror as the second plane came crashing through the second trade tower. I put my hands protectively around my full belly and called my mom...
On December 10th at 2am I woke up with a baby bouncing on my bladder. As I got up to waddle to the bathroom I felt a gush of warmth down my legs. Did I just pee myself? Cause that would be a first for me...
Then I realized my water had broken! "Jooooooohn!"
Off we went to the hospital with an exhilarating rush! My contractions started immediately. But it wasn't to be that simple.
I had aspirations to have a natural birth with this baby. I do have a very high pain tolerance. But after 12 hours of contracting and only progressing to 3 centimeters I broke and asked for Stadol. NEVER I repeat NEVER ask for Stadol! Loopy doop! It did help me sleep though, but a tortured sleep full of visions and freaky dreams. Finally the doctors said I needed some help and started a Pitossin drip. Then I really did need an epidural. Things went quickly after that but the epidural hadn't been done correctly and had left me with a severe headache. To this day I am not sure how I pushed that boy out while suffering a severe migraine. My eyeballs were so strained that they broke all the little capillaries inside and around them!
Bubblegum was born at 7:53 December 10th at Florida Hospital Rollins just 6 floors below my mother, who was on the cancer floor recovering a full hysterectomy.
It was such a difficult time. A low so severe that depression was beginning to sink in, and a high so high! My first boy, my little Bubblegum!
I know without a doubt that even though this precious child wasn't my plan, he was God's. My mother's one dream was to have grandchildren. She had planned for it for years! Stashing toys away, planning what the kids should call her (dran-ma) and how she would wear her hair when it turned gray (in a long braid down her back).
She got to love Bubblegum for the first three months of his life before she passed away. He was among the few rare things she would always smile about through all the pain and misery. And she certainly didn't fail to impart her maternal wisdom on me as I began this new journey of motherhood!
Bubblegum was and still is such a joy. Everyday he makes me laugh - every other day he makes me cry, tears of joy at my baby boy. I don't know what I would do without him.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Back on the horse

Tomorrow I will officially be back in the saddle!
Jasper is his name and hopefully he will turn out to be a horse I can improve my riding style on. Cause right now my style is every horse hates being ridden and will try to get you off any way it can, so hang on for dear life! Then there is no relaxing and enjoying.
It has been nearly 2 years since I've even been on a horse. I really should stop getting pregnant! That seems to be the main contributing factor to this sad truth.
Anyhow, I am excited that I get the chance to expand this part of who I am. I know everyone thought I just had horse fever like so many little girls and one day it would just go away. Well, it hasn't. And it won't.
Sometimes I think I feel closer to my mom when I am on a horse. She would say that is silly. But I cannot help but feel like I got her horse crazy gene and haven't been able to put it to use until now.
I won't ever compete in the olympics, I probably won't ever even be in a horse show. But if all I ever do is learn enough to teach all those little girls, who are like I once was, how to ride a horse, then I'll be happy!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Public recognotion

I normally do not like people to notice me.
If given a choice I would not get up in front of people. No attention please!
Now you all know where my little Jellibean gets her quirks!
But yesterday I really apprecited my public recognition. In fact it seems that it was God ordained, which is even cooler because then it seems to be a message from God himself. That gives me goosebumps!
Now, please understand that I am not sharing this in order to toot my own horn.
I've seen the amazingness of God in this and how He always knows just when we need a little pick-up or word of encouragement to make it through another day.
My rule for the kids when we are all out somewhere together is to stay together. When we first pile out of the van everyone must stay right next to the car until everyone is ready to walk through the parking lot or cross the street together.
But yesterday Jellibean lost her head. She jumped out of the van and skipped into the street with her head in the clouds. My heart leaped into my throat. No cars....thank God! But I wanted to scream at her! I work so hard to teach my kids what's safe and right. When they do something so stupid as dashing into the street without a thought, it really makes me want to scream. Like maybe screaming will create such a fear in them that they will remember for the rest of their lives that dashing into the street means mom will scream.
But when I really think about it, I realize that the more important thing is to teach them that running into the street could be deadly, and that they are so precious to me I could not live without one of them if something bad happened. Somehow I know that will stick in their heads longer than any angry screaming. So, I called Jellibean in from the road and got down to her level.
What would I do without you? You have to remember not to cross the street without me! You could get hurt and I would be sad forever! Jesus was watching over you today. Do you understand?
Then we took hands and continued across the road into the store.
There was a young black women there ringing the bell for the salvation army. She stopped me. She first told me that she was also a mother and that my girls were so pretty.
Well, thank you...
But she went on. She said "I just have to tell you...I saw what just happened with her running into the street...I don't know if you go to church or not but I do..."
I felt the spirit turn...ahhh....a God fearing woman. Still a stranger but now really not so much! I told her we did attend a church.
"Oh good - then you know - the bible says to train up a child in the way they shoud go. It says they will grow up in their own ignorance if there is no training. And we all know that the ignorance of a child can get them into some big time trouble with the law, with their school, with their families. And it's our job to train them so that doesn't happen. I just wanted you to know that as a mother I really appreciated how you handled that situation with you litte girl. Most moms just scream and yell and tell that child they gonna whoop their butts if they run out in the road ever again...but you took the time to talk to her. And that's called training a child in the way they sould go."
WOW! I told her thank you for that encouragement and went on my way. But the more I thought about it the more I realized how right she was. And I really was encouraged. And I was really excited too. Because my whole calling as a God fearing woman is to stand apart from the crowd. To be noticeably different and have people say, "What does she have that I don't have...I want it too!" And thus open the door of their heart for Jesus to jump in with his still small voice. Or sometimes with the voice of a salvation army bell ringer!

Thursday, November 22, 2007


"In all things give thanks..."
Do you know what those words really mean? Not in your head, in your heart.
The Lord wants us to be grateful in all things. Not just when the sun is shining and your day is running smoothly.
He wants us to be thankful even on the day my mother died of cancer, or on the day you lost your unborn child, or on the day your divorce was final. Doesn't that sound impossible? How can this be?
But the whole idea is to look at Jesus as our role model. The evening before the day he was to be crucified, for sins he hadn't committed, he cried out to God in such earnest that his sweat turned into blood. He prayed for God to change his mind, saying "remove this cup from me..."
But in the same breath our Lord made sure to say "Yet not my will, but yours be done..."
Jesus lived His whole life to glorify the Father. He walked the earth, he saw the evil and the filth and the death first hand. He cried out against it, all the while knowing he would be the one to suffer the ultimate evil, the death that would be the only way for us to have life.
In everything Jesus was thankful. Not that he wasn't distressed, or sad or even angry. But that in everything he trusted and had faith and glorified God. What better way to show his love?
The same thing is not asked, it is required of us!
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
"Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in EVERYTHING give thanks; for this IS God's will for you in Jesus..."
This still takes me back to the question how is this possible?
How do you give thanks to God through the death of a mother, or a father, or a son or daughter?
How do you give thanks to God when your husband is cheating, or your best friend is being diagnosed with cancer?
How do you give thanks to God when you are being handed over to the authorities by someone you loved, and being condemned and tortured and spit at and humiliated and nailed to a cross, all by the very people you came to serve?
And that is just it...through all that was done to Jesus, it was God's will being done. And it is the same in our lives, whether we mean for it to be or not. Looking critically at our lives will show that even in everything we suffer through in this life, it is NOTHING compared to what Jesus has done for us!
So, now when I am having a bad day, or I am tempted to focus on what is wrong in my life, marriage, finances, family, and health, I am learning to remember who suffered for me; I am the sinner, I am guilty not HE - yet he suffered so much just for me! And he was thankful and faithful to the end and through him the will of the most high holy God was fulfilled!
And when I remember all that, I think "what the hell do I have to complain about?"
And I begin thanking God for the things that I have.
Thank you God that I have a husband and father for my children, No matter how wrong or annoying he seems.
Thank you that my children are alive and flourishing, No matter how many nights a week they cough all night, or how many earaches they have a month.
Thank you for the job and the money You provided for us last week and are providing again this week, no matter how much more we think we need.
Thank you that your hand is my guide and your death is my life.

Monday, November 19, 2007

The calm before the storm...

It is so quiet in my house right now.
My kids are off school this week for Thanksgiving. I actually am pretty excited about being with them all week. I just know it'll be crazy, to say it nicely.
But for this moment, all is quiet. Bubblegum and Jellibean are with the grandparents. Baby Poni is napping, and I am relishing!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Happy Birthday Jellibean

On this day, 4 years ago I pushed a tiny person out of my body and into our little world.

Jellibean was my first girl and the one to prove me wrong about having girls! When I first found out I was expecting I was excited and praying for a boy. I am sorry to say her daddy and I both cried when we found out it was a girl. No not those tears of joy that every child deserves, those tears of fear and anger.
"What are we supposed to even do with a girl?!" We both wanted to know.
But as soon as she came out and I saw her beautiful features and her ever kissable lips I knew just what to do with her!

Put her in pink and pink and MORE PINK!!!

And to this day that's what she wants.

I am thankful for every moment I have with my Jellibean. Even in those moments that I am angry with her the most, in my heart I know she and I are growing together. And every day our trials are bringing us closer to understanding each other better and thus deepening our love.
Happy Birthday my sweet Jellibean!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Right now in my world...

I always write about things that happened in my day. It's good but all past tense. So today I am going to tell you about my world right now, this very instant.
Jellibean is sitting in her dolly highchair, favorite baby doll in hand. Her shirt is pulled to one side so the doll can "breastfeed" and she is smiling.
Baby Poni is watching raptly and every now and then shakes her tushy to the music playing through the television. It is Delirious.
The new table and curtains I bought for our house look so great and I am proud of myself.
Juli's birthday is tomorrow and her party is the next day. I am very busy, but just stopping here for a minute to breath in the moment is so wonderful.
The Lord's hand is in everything I see around...even down to the table and curtains.
I am revived and my spirit is quickened with His love and awesome power. In just a few seconds I am lifted up and reminded of my calling and my promises to Him and to my family and to myself.
He is good, His loving kindness is everlasting.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Again the sickness

Baby Poni is sick yet again.
She was the one kid that I promised myself I wouldn't get behind on as far her shot schedule goes. And now she is behind since the last thing I am going to do is weaken her defenses when everyone else in the house has snotty noses and aching ears.
So, HI HO, it's back to Franz we go.
I bet she'll be on two different homeopathics and the nebulizer machine by the time we get home. Boy, that'll be fun!
The only thing I do not want is the antibiotic they always try and push...
Not only does it ravage her little tummy but it will negate all the immune system building I've been doing with her for the past few months.
Of course, if all those vitamins and probiotics aren't going to keep her from getting sick EVERY time someone else in the house is, than why do I bother...because it is a bother. She doesn't take medicine well at all! Except, of course, for Tylenol. My only answer to that mystery is that Tylenol must be more than half sugar and the rest is Acetaminophen.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

And she says...

"ohhhhhh, my tummy hurts!"
Jellibean was an emotional mess this morning. What am I saying? She is EVERY morning. Just not a morning person I guess...gets it from me.
So, I have her go lay down on the couch where she proceeds to roll around clutching at her stomach. Maybe I should get a bucket? Nahhh...she's just being dramatic. I let her rest for a few minutes and then came back to check on her.
"How is your tummy now?"
"It's better...but I still need Tylenol for my leg...OHHHHHHHHH!"
I go for the drugs...she's been so crabby about her legs lately but she will be four in three weeks and I bet she is growing.
I come back to give her the medicine and she is clutching her stomach again.
"Wait, does your tummy still hurt or not?"
"No! I told you already!" (hiss hiss)
"Then why are you wrapping your arms around your tummy?"


Funny Bunny

The newest addition to our household, Snowcone Jedi.

Call me crazy, but Bubblegum has thanked me three times a day since we got the little bunny. He was aching for a pet. This is the coolest rabbit I have ever seen. And that's saying something since we had a bazillion rabbits when I was young. We started off with two and mated them on purpose. But then we found out very quickly that bunnies can "do it" through the cage! At one point we had 20 some odd bunnies running around the house!
As babies they were always nice. But it seems like at a certain age the wildness in rabbits takes over and they just get nasty, aloof or scared out of their minds.
This bunny loves to play with people! Except for Poni who pulls his hair out! Ouch, sorry funny bunny! Isn't he the cutest little thing you've ever seen!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

"Scleletons" in our closet

We don't celebrate Halloween.
Last time I remember doing Halloween, I was so young that EVERYTHING scared me!
Our neighbor lady had dressed up as a witch complete with wart and hat. She was standing out on her driveway with what I remember to be, a GIANT cauldron of steaming green goo. I figured that was where she would cook us if she could get us. I held tighter to mom's hand. Somewhere about the age of 4 we didn't celebrate anymore. And it has always been fine by me. I am very sensitive to scary things. They bring up evil things in my mind and spirit and that is NOT cool with me or for my family.
So, we bypass Halloween by having a special movie night. The couch cushions and blankets become a tent. We drag pillows and stuffed animals to the living room, turn off every light in the house so we appear to be away from home, and we watch Ollie Hopnoodle's Haven of Bliss, the funniest 80's movie ever made! knew that was coming!
This year Bubblegum is in Kindergarten. I have explained to him in simple terms how he can tell his friends why we don't do Halloween. And he gets it. But that doesn't mean he won't be participating in the stories and art projects that are all Halloween related. Mostly they seem to be fall projects but I have a feeling I will see more and more art pieces like this one.

The best part about it is the writing Ben does. He likes to spell things for himself and if everything was spelled how it sounds, he would be right every time!
Take this pumpkin for example. Ben named it Pumpkiny. And he just had to write on it.

Can you decipher for yourself how he feels about his little pumpkin friend?

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Crap the coconut?

"Mom! Dad got me a coconut!"

"Cool, Bubblegum!"

"Where's the hammer? I'm gonna crap it!"

"Say what?"

"Come on, help me! We gotta crap the coconut and get the milk out!"
And now doubly loud "Hey DAD! Come on and watch me CRAP THIS COCONUT!"

Ok, now I am laughing my ass off!

Up the Down Slide

Check out what my little monkey can do!
I'm thinking we should enter the next agility competition. Never mind the fact that all the other contestants will be mucho hairy with lappy tongues and waggy tails!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Waiting for Guinness...

We have undoubtedly set a record!
Usually this would be said with pride - alas our record sucks.
We, particularly I, have been sick for a month now.
Now don't get all righteous on me yet. I know there are plenty of people/families out there who will claim they have been sick way longer than that, and if one of them is reading this they are ready to jump at my throat and spew their story about being ill for months and years and lifetimes! And I will succumb to their claims since this really isn't the record I am claiming to have set.
No, my record is much more fun, juicy and YELLOW!
As a family we have undoubtedly set the record for Family with the most MUCOSA!
That's right, I have seen enough yellow snot in the past month to drive any mother into a hysteria! I seem to be swimming in a cesspool of filth no matter how much I clean! Boogers on the wall, snot on the pillows, mucus on the bed covers and couches and lugies in the sinks!
Yes, we have definitely set a record.
Now I am just waiting on Guinness to decide on a prize.
Maybe a free round of Amoxicillin - I'll take mine in a double shot glass please!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Milking Moms Rock!

Poni and I are at the 1:51 mark - and BTW this video makes me...ummmm...lets just say it is too sweet! Kudos to all you are beautiful!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Breast Fest!

Thanks to Fidget over at Finding yourself despite yourself, I am now on board with this Breast Fest shindig! Give the button a click and find out for yourself the big deal going on worldwide at 10am on Oct. 10th.

This is me and Jellibean!

And this is me and Baby Poni!

Friday, September 28, 2007

The WHITE spot!

It has arrived!
No...not the black spot, not the infamous plague! The white spot!
After months of hype, the white spot has finally shown up...on Baby Poni's gums!
Yes, my little nipple gummer will soon be a full fledged nipple biter!
At nearly 10 months old, I was beginning to wonder where this child's teeth were - so today is a milestone!

Oh, and just an extra note, this kid is also starting to let go of the furniture when she stands! She is very proud of herself and giggles every time!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Baby Braveheart!

Baby Poni got her first shot today. We're on a delayed schedule.
My stomach was sick the whole visit...I work very hard to keep my children from experiencing any pain; physical, mental and emotional. So, getting shots always sucks!
But not for my little Poni. She double blinked as the needle pierced her skin and looked at me funny, like "what the hell did you do THAT for?"
And then it was over.
No crying, no tears, not even a fuss.
That's my next time won't be so hard!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Boo boo central!

Now that Baby Poni is crawling, we see a lot of boo-boos!
Here is her first rug burn...on her nose!
DH tried to explain this one, but couldn't without sounding like a negligent father!
I think Poni crawled off the couch face first. Ouch!

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Dane Cook ladies and gents...enjoy.

I sure did!
And after you watch it think about how great it would have been to see that sneezing jerk become a tissue for my runny nose!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

You know it'll be a bad day when...

1. You cannot get your kid to get going for school and, as he rolls around on the couch moaning about his tummy, you have to resort to telling him "You can only skip school if you actually throw up right now!"

2. Your son tells you the kids at school are making fun of him because he has a sippy cup of juice at lunch time. But he won't drink any of the juice boxes you bought.

3. You then find out that the leader of the teasing gang is none other than the boy my son thought was his best friend.

4. Your five year old, who has loved school until now, weeps silently as he gets dropped off and signs "I love you" about seven times as he walks away from the car.

My heart is broken and I cannot curl up in bed and wait for the hurt to pass.
I want so badly to teach my son how to give a smart retort to whoever makes fun of him!
"Yeah, well you have hair like a girl!" or "You cry like a sissy," or "Grow up and stop wishing you were as cool as me!"
But none of these things, though they feel so good to say, are profitable in teaching my son to be a leader.
So, instead I teach him to say things like, "I thought you were my friend" and "You're hurting my feelings and that's not cool of you."

Maybe when he's older I can teach him to fight dirty!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

What did she say?

Ok - on the one hand I feel bad for this chic! Whatever she was trying to say didn't come out right and she has been ridiculed publicly to an incredulous amount!
But - on the other hand it is just so freaking hilarious!
It's a good thing for her that she's hot!
Ladies and gentlemen please welcome "such as"

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Baby Blues

Such a foreign word.
Well, here it is, our first class in Beginners English for Babies.
Baby Poni, repeat after me "sleeeeeeep."
No no screaming!

Pleeeeese no more screaming!
Let's take it slower. Ssssssssssssss...llllll...eeeeee...ppppp!

Good...good mouth movements!
Everyone does it. It's all the rage!

I promise you won't miss a thing.
Now, kissey kiss...nighty night and all those other cutesey bedtime words.

And sleeeeeeeeep!


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Disturbing or Disturbed?

Maybe it's just me...I know I can be a little zainy sometimes.
But the sight of an infant sized Croc, no bigger than my palm...

in the middle of a 4 lane highway, really disturbs me.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Hat is to Head as Glove is to....

Remember these from our test taking days?
Verbal analogies...I always loved them cause I always got them right. My brother hated them.

My 3 year old made one today. Damn! Jellibean is smart.

She was having cereal for breakfast. I guess she was getting full since she declared "I'm not eating the cereal anymore, I'm tired of it!"

"That's fine, but can you at least drink the milk?"

"Oh yes..." followed by sluuurrrrrrrrppp...I guess that's what I get for buying them straw bowls.

Then Jellibean says she doesn't want the milk anymore either.
"Hmmm, maybe you don't like that cereal anymore?"

"I like it..." she answers. "I just don't want it."

Well...alrighty then.

Later on we are brushing her hair for school.
She has bangs.
Not on purpose, mind you. I want to kick myself in the head for not blogging about THAT fiasco. Long story short, her brother cut them for her! And we are still waiting for them to grow out.
Jellibean always reminds me that she wants them brushed to the side. I tried to tell her they look cute and even pointed out other girls who have bangs on purpose. But, nothing doing. She says, "I like them mommy, but I don't want them."
So, I am brushing her hair this morning and she reminds me to brush her bangs back. I know, I know...sheesh. Then she says...

"BANGS are like FOOD!"

In other words, she likes bang and she like food...but she just doesn't want either!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

what's for breakfast?

"You need to have SOMETHING to eat before you go to school! Especially since you don't eat anything at lunchtime!"

"Oh fine...I'll have one of those...American muffins!"

"American muffins?" I know what he wants cause he points, but my brain never works until sometime into the later morning hours! I laugh at him. "American muffin! HAHA!"

"Chinese muffin!" he says thinking to correct himself.

I struggle for a moment, forcing my brain to help him think of what these are called. I run through a few nationalities before remembering...


We both giggle and hail the English for such a brilliant invention!
ALL those buttery nooks and crannies! BRAVO!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007's what a pirate says!

Arrr! Arrr! Arrr!
A pirate, a pirate, a pirate says "Arrr!"
You wear a spare part, a bandana and a scar,
and they know you're a pirate,
When they hear you say "Arrr!"
-The Backyardigans-

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Kindergarten Blues

Today was Bubblegum's third day at his new school. My little boy is in Kindergarten!
Ok...I admit it. I didn't cry. Not a single tear. But I did have a knot of aprehension in my tummy all day Monday and Tuesday. I am worried for him. We did not have a good "meet your teacher day."
I think I am a pretty good judge of character. My mother taught me.
She said you can always tell a good doctor. They are the ones who come into the room and immediately introduce themselves to you, putting you at ease by talking to you. And this is how I have found so many good doctors! Thanks mom.
So, when we walked in Bubblegum's classroom for the first time last Friday, the teacher was in the corner talking to some other parents. I thought I would stand nearby and wait a moment until she finished so she could introduce herself. Yes, because that IS what I expected of her. She didn't. And even worse she just mumbled a hello to me and Bubblegum. No conversation, no explanation, no excitement, no personality.
The next day Ben came home and said he had a headache. He had a low grade fever and felt nauseated. Heat exposure. You never doubt the signs living here in 100+ degrees Florida. A note home from the teacher said "Fell asleep this afternoon."
Bubblegum said he did fall asleep at rest time. But that he only had his eyes closed waiting for me to pick him up, because the sun was so bright. I was shocked!
That particular day I had waited in the car line for 25 minutes to pick up my kid. All that time I waited, bitching in the air conditioned van, my Bubblegum sat in the blazing sun until his name was called. And he did what all Bubblegum does...he melted! Needless to say I am now parking the car and walking up to the school to pick him up. Poor dude! What a way to start the next 22 years of his school years life!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Bottoms up!




Friday, August 10, 2007

How about a side of puss with that sore throat?

No takers?
Oh come on...don't be sissy! If I can get through it, you can too!
Thanks to my motherly duties such as rubbing a back while you puke, and helping get washed from said incident, and doing all the laundry and then staying up all night with a Poni, I have now contracted the virus I ran like mad to avoid.
I cannot talk let alone swallow and I know it's not strep. No, it couldn't be. Having strep would mean I could get an antibiotic and feel better tomorrow. No, it is viral I am sure since viral means you have to suffer it to the end.
May the end come soon.
On the bright side I should lose at least 5 pounds since all I can swallow are popsicles and tea!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Video Thursday

I think the cat is like Mikayla...and I guess I'm the little dog. Except the dog succeeds in the end.
I am still waiting for my sweet little kitty to

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Strep and puke

It is inevitable.
My little Bubblegum has reoccurring strep throat. I can tell before he even tells me his throat hurts. He has perfected the art of closing your nasal passage in such a way that protects it from hurting when you talk. So, as soon as I hear his goofy voice I know to ask about his throat.
It has been sore for two days now but not enough to keep him from eating.
Until today. He woke up by 9 and didn't move.
He laid STILL in bed for an hour. This kind of behavior will always mean something is VERY wrong with my boy. And something was.
He puked all over the bed.
I don't know how strep and stomach virus go together but I swear EVERY time he has a sore throat, he pukes!
That was an hour he's playing like not a thing in the world is wrong.
It's ok...the chamomile tea I gave him will kick in soon! Hehehehe

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Innocence - I hate to ruin it

We are coloring...again!
We're always coloring around here!
We go through coloring books and Crayola's like some people go through toilet paper!
This morning our masterpieces are from the Disney coloring book Aladdin.
Jasmine and her prince are flying away on a magic carpet. This encourages lots of questions about carpets and flying and magic.

Jellibean wants to know why they are called "caaaaaar-pets" if they are not cars or related to cars. 'Cause cars can not fly you know!

Bubblegum wants to know how magic makes a carpet fly. (Ouch, my brain!)
Ummm...because it's magic!

Then Jellibean asks incredulously "Why does Jasmine have her belly button showing?"

Yes, around here, if it's not a bathing suit, it doesn't show your belly! And if it's going to say "JUICY," it's not going to be plastered across your backside! In fact, by the time she was 2, Jellibean was able to answer our question "What do you do if a boy wants to see your belly button?" with "NO WAY YUCKY BOY!"

I pondered how to answer the question about Jasmine in language a 3 year old will understand.
"Maybe her mom never told her she shouldn't show her belly to those boys!"

Jellibean considered this answer, but wasn't fully satisfied.
"Maybe she's hot,mom. Cause when I'm hot I can show my belly button."

"Only if we're at home. Then that's ok."

Luckily she agreed with me.
A few seconds later Jellibean explodes with what MUST be the only reason a princess would show her belly.

"I know" she shouts! "Her clothes are getting too small for her wear anymore!"

Saturday, August 4, 2007

There should always be ice cream

So, even though the In-laws don't like me, they love their grand kids!
I suppose I have that to be thankful for, but I MADE those cute little ankle-biters! Do I get no credit for their cuteness and their intuitiveness? For their wit, their biting back talk and smarty-pants remarks? They get all that from me anyway...
Jellibean is as smart as a whip and as heartfelt as they come. She is me in every way and that make me like myself more and more every day!
There is a little fair coming in a few weeks, in a little town called Mt. Dora. The I-L's want to take the kids. Yeah, what fun! Jellibean is excited!
"Will there be ice-cream?" She asks. "And a playground?"
Ahhhh...the staples of childhood!
"Yes and Yes!" Grandma confirms.
A while later Jellibean needs reassurance.
"They have ice cream?" she checks. "At Dora mountain."
This put us in a fit of giggles since we all know my little Jellibean has a passion for Dora and her never ending climbs up talking mountains and over crocodile infested waters!
But what's really neat is that there really is a Dora mountain and a Dora Lake.
I'd take a trip there any day! But do they have ice cream?

Friday, August 3, 2007

Uber cuteness!

A bath in the sink! Such fun...Poni loves water!

Such a mess! You can see my camera and I were in the splash zone!

Victoria Beckham can have a combover...
why not Baby Poni? Stylin!